March 5, 2019
This blog is part of our Ruby 2.6 series.
JIT stands for Just-In-Time compiler. JIT converts repetitive code into bytecode which can then be sent to the processor directly, hence, saving time by not compiling the same piece of code over and over.
MJIT is introduced in Ruby 2.6. It is most commonly known as MRI JIT or Method Based JIT.
It is a part of the Ruby 3x3 project started by Matz. The name "Ruby 3x3" signifies Ruby 3.0 will be 3 times faster than Ruby 2.0 and it will focus mainly on performance. In addition to performance, it also aims for the following things:
MJIT is still in development, therefore, MJIT is optional in Ruby 2.6. If you are running Ruby 2.6, then you can execute the following command.
ruby --help
You will see following options.
--Jit-wait # Wait program execution until code compiles.
--jit-verbose=num # Level information MJIT compiler prints for Ruby program.
--jit-min-calls=num # Minimum count in loops for which MJIT should work.
--jit-save-temps # Save compiled library to the file.
Vladimir Makarov proposed improving performance by replacing VM instructions with RTL(Register Transfer Language) and introducing the Method based JIT compiler.
Vladimir explained MJIT architecture in his RubyKaigi 2017 conference keynote.
Ruby's compiler converts the code to YARV(Yet Another Ruby VM) instructions and then these instructions are run by the Ruby Virtual Machine. Code that is executed too often is converted to RTL instructions, which runs faster.
Let's take a look at how MJIT works.
# mjit.rb
require 'benchmark'
puts Benchmark.measure {
def test_while
start_time =
i = 0
while i < 4
i += 1
puts - start_time
4.times { test_while }
Let's run this code with MJIT options and check what we got.
ruby --jit --jit-verbose=1 --jit-wait --disable-gems mjit.rb
Time taken is 4.0e-06
Time taken is 0.0
Time taken is 0.0
Time taken is 0.0
0.000082 0.000032 0.000114 ( 0.000105)
Successful MJIT finish
Nothing interesting right? And why is that? because we are iterating the loop
for 4 times and default value for MJIT to work is 5. We can always decide after
how many calls MJIT should work by providing --jit-min-calls=#number
Let's tweak the program a bit so MJIT gets to work.
require 'benchmark'
puts Benchmark.measure {
def test_while
start_time =
i = 0
while i < 4_00_00_000
i += 1
puts "Time taken is #{ - start_time}"
10.times { test_while }
After running the above code we can see some work done by MJIT.
Time taken is 0.457916
Time taken is 0.455921
Time taken is 0.454672
Time taken is 0.452823
JIT success (72.5ms): block (2 levels) in <main>@mjit.rb:15 -> /var/folders/v6/\_6sh53vn5gl3lct18w533gr80000gn/T//\_ruby_mjit_p66220u0.c
JIT success (140.9ms): [email protected]:4 -> /var/folders/v6/\_6sh53vn5gl3lct18w533gr80000gn/T//\_ruby_mjit_p66220u1.c
JIT compaction (23.0ms): Compacted 2 methods -> /var/folders/v6/\_6sh53vn5gl3lct18w533gr80000gn/T//\_ruby_mjit_p66220u2.bundle
Time taken is 0.463703
Time taken is 0.102852
Time taken is 0.103335
Time taken is 0.103299
Time taken is 0.103252
Time taken is 0.103261
2.797843 0.005357 3.141944 ( 2.801391)
Successful MJIT finish
Here's what's happening. Method ran 4 times and on the 5th call it found it is
running same code again. So MJIT started a separate thread to convert the code
into RTL instructions, which created a shared object library. Next, threads took
that shared code and executed directly. As we passed option --jit-verbose=1
can see what MJIT did.
What we are seeing in output is the following:
We can open the file and see how MJIT converted the piece of code to binary
instructions but for that we need to pass another option which is
and then just inspect those files.
After compiling the code to RTL instructions, take a look at the execution time. It dropped down to 0.10 ms from 0.46 ms. That's a neat speed bump.
Here is a comparison across some of the Ruby versions for some basic operations.

Create a rails application with different Ruby versions and start a server. We can start the rails server with the JIT option, as shown below.
RUBYOPT="--jit" bundle exec rails s
Now, we can start testing the performance on servers. We found that Ruby 2.6 is faster than Ruby 2.5, but enabling JIT in Ruby 2.6 does not add more value to the Rails application.
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