This blog is part of our Rails 5 series.
I recently did a webinar with Srijan on upcoming changes in Rails 5. In this webinar I discussed various features and additions coming up in Rails 5.
Major Features
Ruby 2.2.2+ dependency.
Action Cable.
API only apps.
Features for Development mode
Puma as default web server.
rails CLI over rake.
Restarting app using rails restart.
Enable caching using rails dev:cache.
Enhanced filtering of routes using rails routes -g
Evented file system monitor.
Features for Test mode
Test Runner.
Changes to controller tests.
Features related to Caching
Cache content forever using http_cache_forever.
Collection caching using ActiveRecord#cache_key.
Partials caching using multi_fetch_fragments.
Caching in Action Mailer views.
Changes in Active Record
Introduction of ApplicationRecord.
has_secure_token for generating secure tokens.
Versioned migrations for backward compatibility.
Changes in Active Support
Improvements to Date/Time.
Enumerable#pluck, Enumerable#without.
Change in behavior related to halting callback chains.