Rails 6 adds ActionDispatch::Request::Session#dig

Amit Choudhary

Amit Choudhary

September 18, 2019

This blog is part of our  Rails 6 series.

Rails 6 added ActionDispatch::Request::Session#dig.

This works the same way as Hash#dig (Link is not available).

It extracts the nested value specified by the sequence of keys.

Hash#dig (Link is not available) was introduced in Ruby 2.3.

Before Rails 6, we can achieve the same thing by first converting session to a hash and then calling Hash#dig (Link is not available) on it.

Let's checkout how it works.

Rails 5.2

Let's add some user information in session and use dig after converting it to a hash.

>> session[:user] = { email: '[email protected]', name: { first: 'Jon', last: 'Snow' }  }

=> {:email=>"[email protected]", :name=>{:first=>"Jon", :last=>"Snow"}}

>> session.to_hash

=> {"session_id"=>"5fe8cc73c822361e53e2b161dcd20e47", "_csrf_token"=>"gyFd5nEEkFvWTnl6XeVbJ7qehgL923hJt8PyHVCH/DA=", "return_to"=>"http://localhost:3000", "user"=>{:email=>"[email protected]", :name=>{:first=>"Jon", :last=>"Snow"}}}

>> session.to_hash.dig("user", :name, :first)

=> "Jon"

Rails 6.0.0.rc1

Let's add the same information to session and now use dig on session object without converting it to a hash.

>> session[:user] = { email: '[email protected]', name: { first: 'Jon', last: 'Snow' }  }

=> {:email=>"[email protected]", :name=>{:first=>"Jon", :last=>"Snow"}}

>> session.dig(:user, :name, :first)

=> "Jon"

Here is the relevant pull request.

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