June 8, 2013
Formotion for Rubymotion makes it a breeze to create views with forms. I am building a rubymotion app and my login form uses formotion. I needed to set background color for my form and here is how you can set a background color for a form created using Formotion.
class LoginViewController < Formotion::FormController
def viewDidLoad
view = UIView.alloc.init
view.backgroundColor = 0x838E61.uicolor
self.tableView.backgroundView = view
After the login view is done loading, I'm creating a new UIView and setting its background color. Then this UIView object is set as the background view to formotion's table view.
If you want to add some branding to the login form, you can add a image to the
form's header by adding the below code to viewDidLoad
header_image = UIImage.imageNamed('header_image_name.png')
header_view = UIImageView.alloc.initWithImage(header_image)
self.tableView.tableHeaderView = header_view
We are creating a UIImageView
and initializing it with the image we want to
show in the header. Now, set the tableview's tableHeaderView value to the
UIImageView we created.
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